Whether you’ve had a natural birth or a C-section, wearing a Postpartum Girdle can speed up the recovery process. This gear is designed to help you to get back to your pre-pregnancy body by compressing the tummy area and supporting the lower back section.
This unique invention is designed to help you
keep or restore your beautiful body by compressing your hips, abdomen, and backside.

It is a very important shape-wear during your recovery process. It supports your back, recovers your muscles, and boost your self-esteem.

✅ Invisible under clothing as it does not roll-up.
✅ Made from breathable fabrics that are lightweight and stretchable.
✅ Helps flatten the belly, relieve back pains and curve your waistline.
✅ Fit the waist, hips, and belly.
✅ Fast postpartum healing process and reduces discomfort.